Mihai Cimpuieru is a junior at Duke studying Mechanical Engineering with an Aerospace certificate. During the summer after his freshman year, Mihai worked as an undergraduate research assistant on a study about the interaction of flutter and force response on turbomachinery blade. Starting this semester, Mihai will be working as a Pratt Research Fellow investigating the flutter of a compressor turbomachinery blade cascade. As a junior, Mihai worked on structural analysis research on 3D printed helicopter rotor blade models. He is also a member of Duke University’s Motorsports team where he works on the engine subsystem. Aside from studying, Mihai enjoys skiing, bowling, swimming, and travelling. He is also President of the Eastern European Association at Duke and likes exploring different cultures and traditions on campus.
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Research Interests
Mihai Cimpuieru was an undergradute student at Duke studying Mechanical Engineering with an Aerospace certificate. During the summer after his freshman year, Mihai worked as an undergraduate research assistant on a study about the interaction of flutter and force response on turbomachinery blade. Later, Mihai worked as a Pratt Research Fellow investigating the flutter of a compressor turbomachinery blade cascade. As a junior, Mihai worked on structural analysis research on 3D printed helicopter rotor blade models. He was also a member of Duke University’s Motorsports team where he worked on the engine subsystem.